
In 3rd grade students will have some homework. Every night students will be required to read a minimum of 15 minutes. I am going to use their planner as a reading log so you will need to purchase one in the office. They will need to return their signed planner each day. More instructions will be in the planner. The actual planner must be signed or the student will stay in for recess and read. NOTES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Physically bringing the planner to school each day helps develops responsibility.

Each or every other week there will also be another assignment. The assignment should take between 10-15 minutes. If it is taking longer, please let me know and I can accommodate. If you are pressed for time or your child simply refuses to do work at home, no problem. They just need to realize they will be staying for last recess to complete the homework. The homework is just for practice and will keep you in the loop with what we are doing in class as well. If you just plain don’t know what to do on the assignment, send it to school and we will clear up issues during recess.